While two young kids work under the shade of a tall plam tree new neighbors move into the open lot next to there farm. New neighbors moving in can cause a change in a small town’s personality. During the time when one family owns one farm, a new neighbor may take some of your land or they may help you harvest your crops. In the short story “The Clearing’ by Jesse Stuart, makes a point that of how the worst brings out our best.
The best athletes are competitive; they never want to lose even if it’s just a game of Ping-pong. New neighbors have a choice if they want to be friend or if they want to try to outdo each other. When a family moves it is normally to get a better life or they need more space. After my uncle sold his company, he moved to Florida for a more relaxing life. In this short story the Hinton family moved due to the fact that Mrs. Hinton was pregnant. There used to be a farm field right next to my house, five years ago they changed the field into 11 houses. One of the neighbors that moved in says that he throws rocks at my dog. These new neighbor was saying he would kill there guinea hens if he saw them on his land.
There are worst things that can happen to you than a bad neighbor, one of these bad events is a fire. When you start a fire you only can chose how big it starts and where it begins, you will need help to put the fire out when it gets out of control. Right after Finn and Pa lit the dried branches on fire a small gust of wind came up and the fire went out of control, there was no way to stop the fire by them self but the Hinton boys came to help them. With the help of the Hinton boys their house and the orchard was saved. In a competition you never talk to the opposite team while you are playing them but after the game you will talk to the friends that you have on the team. After the fire all of the boys where talking to each other like they were always friends.
Haiti was hit by an earth quake that destroyed the capital city, now some people I know in my church are an adopting kid’s farm Haiti. It just shows how a tragedy in one place can bring the rest of the world closer to them. People in general are caring, the strong help the weak. Don’t be the strong person that only helps yourself because when you need help they won’t help you.