Cheating, the plan B of winners.


Big Space 

While standing outside freezing in the cold you observe a rock flying as fast as a bullet.  This may just seam like a random rock in the sky but it maybe a comet that you see once every 100 years. Asteroids, meteors, comets and moons all seam like big rocks in the sky but when you study more deeply into them you find out that they are so much more .  

     A comet is a rock that is made of non-volatile grains and frozen gases.  Comets are most known for the comet tail that is largest when it is closest to the sun and shrinks when it gets farther away from the sun.  Also comets have large elliptical orbit that can send it out farther than Pluto.  One thing about comet is that they orbits are not perfect circle,  they are more ovals.  With some of these fact Pluto could be considered a comet. 

    Comets aren't the only flying rocks in space Meteors are also flying rocks. Meteors are balls of ice, metal, and rock.  They can be anywhere from the size of a grain of sand to the size of the moon.  Some people believe that the moon was a meteor that flew by earth and got sucked in by earths gravity.  Meteors can be one of the  most random thing in space they don't have a orbit and tend to all be moving to the best object.  If a meteor would hit earth in the ocean it would create a giant tsunami would hit most of the coast.  If it  hit land there it  would send a large amount of dirt and dust into the atmosphere that it would block the sun and the planet would drop in temperature. 

    Asteroids are one of the most common thing in solar systems.  They suppurate the inner and outer planets in a ring called the asteroid belt.  The asteroid belt is a large ring of asteroids that consist of millions of them that rotate the sun like planet but don't have the same mass of a planet.  If you would be standing on a asteroid you in the asteroid belt you wouldn't be able to see the next asteroid because the asteroids are spread out over billions of miles. They are believed to be from when are galaxy was created and were not big enough to become planets.  Lastly there is the moon, all the planet other than Mercury and Venus have one.  Most planets have two.  A moon is like a asteroid but instead of rotating the sun it rotates a planet.   Most planets have more than one moon for example Mars has two moons and Jupiter has 63 moon.

    When you think of space you may think of giant rock flying randomly around.  But the random rock could end up being the doom of are planet in a 1000 years.

Gas Planet, Rock Planet, Sun
Most people laugh at the planet Uranus because of its name.  Then you realize that it is a gas planet and you think to your self how are gas planets made?  How was the sun made?  How was Earth made?  Are solar system consists of three main object, a sun, gas planet, and rock planet all made in similar ways but yet different.

There is a couple of theory of how the sun was created.  One of the most popular theories is that the sun was created by the gravitational pull of one rock pulled in more and the more rock the joined, the rocks started to spin faster and more rock combined with it and the center started to get hotter.  Then the protons or hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form one alpha particle or helium nucleus which will explode into a sun.  Experts believe that are sun will go supernova (get really big fast) and expanded destroying all the planets in are solar system then when the suns gravity sucks the sun back and the sun will run out of gasses to keep it going.

Rock planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are made somewhat like  a sun the one difference is most planets are created after the sun has explode.  The rock planets are formed when the sun explodes and shoots off all the pieces rocks and the rocks gravity keep bring in more rocks and they combined to become bigger rocks and lastly it forms into a planet.  Gas planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are formed like a sun but when it has so much gasses and not enough friction to make it a sun.  Gas planets are on of the cosmic sickle of a sun.

Some people will always think that the sun was always there but now you know how the three main parts in the solar system were made and you will always be able to outsmart your friend if they ever ask you.


"Gas and Ice Giants." 1 Feb 2011 .
"Views of the solar system." 1 Feb 2011 .


"Asteroids." 23 Jan 11 .
"Comet Introduction." 26 Jan 2011 .
"Meteor." 26 Jan 11 .

"Firefox Logo In Deep Space." 4 1 2011 .

All about the milky way. 2 Jan 2011 .
Amit. I Am. 2009 йил 16-Mar. 2011 йил 4-Jan. . 2011 йил 5-Jan .
Javis, Seth. Clark planetarium see whats out there. 2009 йил 8-May. 2010 йил 22-Dec .
Showcase. 2011 йил 2-Jan .
The Mysteries of Deep Space. 2011 йил 2-Jan .


Space TecSpace Tec


Chapter 3. 2011 йил 11-Jan .
Did Man Ever Land on the Moon. 2011 йил 12-Jan. .
Ethan. Starts With A Bang. Ethan. 17 1 2011 .
Heavenly Sale. 2011 йил 11-Jan .
History of the space suit. .
Malaysia's first astronaut a blast for his nation. 2011 йил 12-Jan .
Project Mercury. 2011 йил 11-Jan .
Surveyor 1. 2011 йил 12-Jan .
Technology in New Dimension. 2011 йил 11-Jan .
The history of Danish Amateur. .
Timeline of Space Exploration. 2011 йил 11-Jan .
Wizards of Oz. 2007 йил 10-Mar. 2011 йил 11-Jan .