Cheating, the plan B of winners.

Panel of Doom

When a business makes a power station to fix the need for more power, they look at a couple of factors like, how much ongoing cost there will there be? Do they need more employee? How much do the employee deserved for there works? How much powers will the station create? If you look at these factors you will notice that solar power will cause more headache than good.

Solar power is taking the sunrays and creating energy out of it. The only problem is it only creates 11.42 watts per day if it is a astropower by GE, 11.99 watts per day if it is Kyocera Multicrystalline per day GE, and 11.51 watt if it a sharp multicrystalline by GE. This may sound respectable but when it is a cloudy day the solar panel gets less than half its maximum amount of watt. Also if there would be a coat of snow there would be no power imminent from it. To make your house fully dependent on solar power you would need 285 square feat of solar panel, which is worth about $16000 of solar pane.

If you would spend $16,000 wouldn't you want to have an energy source that wouldn't change if the weather got bad. For 16,000 dollars you could invest a in a hydroelectric dam upkeep for a year. Also a dam creates 175 Mega watts per year. That is the same as 175000000 watts. Did you know that the whole Waukesha County uses one mega watt per day? To have 1 mega watt a year from solar panel you would need 76 square feat of solar pales. Then if you would want the same amount this one dam creates you would need 13,300 square feat of solar panels. Another fact is that the solar panels create energy only three to five hours of the day.

This paper should put some sense into your head about how if you want energy solar power should not be what you need or want. Now when you every you hear how solar creating so much energy think, that it is only creating energy for 5 hour of every sunny day.